Stiamo Assumendo Part-Time e Full-Time!

Scopri maggiori informazioni dai nostri rappresentanti oggi! Vieni assunto immediatamente, senza complicazioni e senza costi!

Part Time

  • Earn up to 300 AUD per day based on task handling completion.
  • You will receive daily payment upon completing each job task, ensuring a consistent flow of income.
  • Working hours 1 ~ 3 hours a day.
  • Choose from a variety of task available such as market research, surveys, shop online and more.
  • Completing Easy Online Tasks by using mobile phone.
  • Digital knowledge is advantage..
  • Flexible working hours at home.

Full Time

  • Earn up to 3,000 AUD per week based on task handling completion.
  • Get paid on a daily, weekly or monthly basis upon job task completion
  • Working hours 4 ~ 6 hours a day.
  • Choose from a variety of task available such as market research, surveys, shop online and more.
  • Completing Easy Online Tasks by using mobile phone.
  • Digital knowledge is advantage.
  • Flexible working hours at home.

What is the procedures?

I Want To Apply .

Fill the form
Candidati Ora or contact us via Whatsapp
Receive an interview
Instructions from our recruiters
You can choose receive daily or weekly payments
Choose the job for free that suits you
Be Free to choose jobs that suit your needs and Start your online jobs anytime and anywhere you want, earn profit from your free time

The job benefits we provide

Any job opening will only be offered to people who are at least 21 years old.

1. The job benefits we provide
Determined by the amount of completed work tasksReference : Full-Time earn up to 3,000 AUD /Week & Part-Time earn up to 300 AUD /Day
2.Interview and Training through online
Nessun limite di età. Chiunque abbia più di 21 anni è invitato a candidarsiYou will acquire professional technical skills and be exposed to professional domain knowledge to meet the needs of the job

Why should you start now?

Salary based on your effort

  • We offer real cash for you, amount determined by how much tasks are completed
  • Withdraw salary on demand (daily or weekly)

Work at your own pace

  • Flexible Working Time.
  • Work anytime & anywhere you want

You only need an online device to start

  • Great part-time or as a full-time job
  • Zero threshold to start the job

No experience needed

  • Dedicated and friendly team ready to onboarding new colleagues
  • Step by Step training provided

Start Working Like a Remote Business in Under 24 Hours

Grab your job here!

Real Work From Home (or anywhere you wish)

How would you like to work from home with flexible hours, making your own schedule and being able to spend more time with your family, friends and more? We offer our colleagues to work conveniently at home with work tasks that can be done with any online devices.This is a great opportunity for you to work full time or for those who don't want to quit their job, but are looking for an additional source of income, a really great side job to make money with their free time.
9,638Tasks Offered
4.61 STARSatisfaction

Hear What Our Colleagues Have to Say

The part-time job opportunities here are great. It allows me to work according to my schedule.

Ethan TurnerCustomer Service RepresentativePart-time

I love the flexibility and convenience of the part-time jobs here. It's a great way to gain experience and earn money.

Brandon ClarkSocial Media ManagerFull-time

I am impressed by the part-time job opportunities here. I can earn while learning new skills.

Tyler EvansData AnalystPart-time

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of tasks are available?

We provide a variety of work tasks that can be completed using any online device, allowing you to earn money online while working flexible hours.Candidati Ora, our recruiters will interview you online and brief you on tasks before you start.

Candidati Ora

I reclutatori contatteranno i candidati tramite WhatsApp, si prega di fornire il numero di telefono registrato su WhatsApp.

Embrace the new way of working from home!


Big Fish International Sdn Bhd


VO5-02-10, Signature Office 1, Sunway Velocity, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Numero di telefono

+6012 697 6031

Job positions

Acquiring local talentProduct ReviewHire Remote DeveloperBackend Developer
 HR Training And DevelopmentMarketing ResearchJob Search And MatchingMarketing Campaign Planning